Are you ready to breathe new life into your daily rhythm?

New Day Planners LLC exists to provide a thoughtful, life-giving approach to ordering your days while building memories for a lifetime; remembering that every day is a new day and a fresh start to love, worship, and obey Jesus.

What Others Are Saying

"I don't want a FILLED life. I want a FULL life! That is the point of your planner! Not to fill your life with more things on the calendar, but to be sure that what you are placing on the calendar leads to a FULL life."

Stacy, Homeschool Mom

Tell Me More

Hi, I'm Robin!

Founder of New day Planners, LLC

I’m a wife, a mom, and a follower of Jesus. After we brought our daughter home from China, my life was a beautiful yet busy kaleidoscope of appointments along with details to remember for each one. As I grew in my abilities to prioritize, one thing became true, I regularly needed to ask the Lord to order my steps (something I learned from a dear friend of mine).  I just couldn’t do it all.  I needed Him to direct me.  You know what I found?  God willingly stepped into my day, gave me clarity, and helped me peacefully manage what He gave me to do.  This process became the foundation for New Day Planners LLC.  Am I perfect in it yet? Absolutely not! Every season in life brings new challenges and opportunities that bring me to my knees. Every time I do, I find Him stepping in, bringing clarity to my mind, and confidence in my step.

How about you? Are you in need of a fresh start to your new year?

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