We are continuing in our series, “4 Questions to Help Prioritize Our Weekly To-Do List.” Last time, we discussed the simple act of pausing and talking to God about our week ahead. Doing this can bring a renewed intentionality to the forefront of our minds and clarity to our next steps.
We also talked about our first question we can ask ourselves when considering our to-do lists:
#1: Do I NEED to do it?
In other words, is this thing that I want to put on my task list something I need to do THIS week? Is it a timely task that must be done? Answering this question can give us a good indication of our tasks for the week.
Our lives are diverse with various responsibilities, and relationships to attend to. We were created to live, breathe, and follow after Jesus. Practically speaking, that means loving God, loving others, and obeying Him however He leads. New Day Planners is a faith-based planner designed to assist us to incorporate our faith into our daily lives. Over the past 10 years, I have experienced freedom to pursue what God is leading me to do or to be by asking this next question. Are you ready?
#2: Do I feel led to do it?
In other words, is there a prompting from the Holy Spirit for us to obey? What is He asking us to DO or to BE? These questions serve as a reminder to take every opportunity to the Lord and ask Him if He is leading us to it or not. Sometimes well meaning people ask us to do good and noble things they believe are important. In our desire to please others or because of our own pride, it's tempting to say “yes” before really thinking it through. The consequences of that can lead to busyness, stress, and a sense of obligation. Practicing a rhythm of asking, “Do I feel led to do it?” postures our hearts to intentionally seek God and pursue only the things He has given us to do.
When we do feel God leading us, writing it down can help reinforce and hold us accountable to do it! That’s why, at New Day Planners, we included this question in our weekly guide. It’s a place that joins our hearts, motives, and our everyday tasks into one space!
Keep an eye out for question number three next time. Until then, take a step back and ask yourself these same questions!