How to determine our true priorities is something we each must answer every week. For some, that is an easy and natural part of how God designed them. For others, like myself, I needed a system to help sift through the responsibilities and opportunities before me. That’s why New Day Planners incorporates these 4 questions into our weekly guides.
We have discussed the first two questions in previous blog posts. If you haven’t read them yet, I encourage you to do so. But as a quick review they are:
#1: Do I NEED to do it?
In other words, is this thing that I want to put on my task list something I need to do THIS week? Is it a timely task?
#2: Do I feel led to do it?
Is there a prompting from the Holy Spirit for us to obey? What is He asking us to DO or to BE? This question serves as a reminder to present every opportunity to the Lord and ask Him if He is leading us to it or not.
Our third question is something that is easy to neglect. It's convenient to excuse away, especially for those of us that are parents. In fact, I did it for years until I realized how much I truly needed it. Think of this question as permission to care for ourselves!
#3: Will it breathe life into me?
Many tasks that need to get done on a daily and weekly basis are all a part of being a responsible adult. Truthfully, they tend to be things we don’t necessarily enjoy but are important to keeping our home and families in order. I’m sure we could all name our least favorite. (I’m looking at you, laundry!)
What if instead of looking at our week through the lenses of a to do list, we also took time to prioritize those things that breathe life into us. And not just us, but if applicable, our spouse and children too. Would that change how we view our week and what we list as a priority?
For instance, we are a homeschool family. That is where God led us, and honestly speaking that was a work He had to do in me (but we will save that for another day). My daughter needs to incorporate movement and people in her life in order to feel balanced. Too much solitude at home through homeschooling would not be possible or even a good idea. We need to have other outlets most evenings for her to experience what she naturally craves. For this reason alone, taking her to those evening activities is a joy and a delight. It fills her up and breathes life back into her in order for her to keep doing hard things! For us, these activities - hands down - are a priority!
For myself, creating or building something to serve others is a passion of mine! When all the pieces fall into place it is as though He is breathing new life into my very soul. And truthfully, that is where New Day Planners had its original start! I need to work towards something that is bigger than myself. I had a need to incorporate my faith into my daily life, instead of getting sidetracked by life’s demands. Building these products IS breathing life back into me. Even as I type these words, a surge of excitement fills me!
As we consider what to add to our priority list this week, consider how God designed you. What are those things that you enjoy, that refresh your soul, re-energize you, and connect you with God? Plan for it each week or on a regular rhythm.
Until next time, pray, plan, and pursue purpose!