4 Questions to Help Prioritize Our Weekly To Do List (Question 1)

If you remember from last week, we discussed finding rest that truly refuels and refreshes us.  I’m thankful that God created each of us uniquely different.  He knows exactly how to give us the rest we need.  

We at New Day Planners, want to help everyone keep pace in life. So we created four questions we can ask ourselves each week to help us prioritize what is truly important.  Starting today, and over the next three blog posts, I will unfold one question at a time, so we can really process it together.  Let’s dive in!

Maybe I’m wrong, but life sure seems busy! In any given week we may work (at home or at a job), attend church activities, go to school functions, and participate in community events, not to mention: parenting, mowing, cooking, grocery shopping, paying bills, the laundry, and so on. That means, EVERY week we are faced with the question, “How do we prioritize what is most important?”  

When I was a new mom, I felt that pain point. I was sleep deprived, and just surviving each day. I needed a system that would help my brain  process all the aspects of my week. I eventually  realized that what I needed most was for Jesus to step into my day and help order my steps.  

The simple act of pausing and talking to God about my week brought a renewed intentionality to the forefront. The more I submitted my week to Him, the more clearly He helped me to see my next steps. Ordering my days became easier as the weeks and years went on. 

Fast forward 10 years to today, and I’m still asking the Lord to order my steps! As a result, I have learned a few things about myself along the way. I alluded to this in my previous blog, but at times I tend to be - as my husband affectionately calls - “a bulldozer.” That’s right! A bulldozer!  If there is something I want to get done, I put my head down and plow through it! In the past, that often meant I made a gigantic to-do list and then felt this overwhelming sense that it all needed to get done that day. It stressed me out! And truthfully, I probably stressed my family out too! 

This led me to begin asking myself the first question. And let me tell you, it has helped me tremendously over the years to determine what is a true priority. Ready for it? 

Question # 1: Do I NEED to do it? 

Simple, right? 

As I refined my ability to prioritize my tasks, I began to see that I was setting an unrealistic expectation for myself. And when I didn’t complete my list of “to do items”, I felt discouraged or like I always had to play catch up. So I began to ask the question: Is this thing that I want to put on my task list something I need to do THIS week? Is it a timely task that must be done? Does it fit into my schedule? And is it something I can truly get done THIS week or should I move it to another week?

When I began asking myself this question, and mentally sorting the tasks appropriately into “this week,” “next week,” or “later” it really took away the internal pressure I was putting on myself. My weeks felt lighter and more free!

I was: 

  •  making better choices with my time and with my family! 
  •  no longer a slave to my to do list, rather my to do list served me.
  •  being purposeful one day at a time. 

This process has served me well, and I hope it will for you too. That’s why New Day Planners makes this process simple and easy to use! Each week we are encouraged to:

  • Pause and talk to God about our week. Release any stress we may feel and ask Him to order our steps as we determine our priorities. 
  • Ask the question, “Do I NEED to do it?”

Let’s walk with purpose and intentionality together throughout the year! Keep an eye out for question number two next time. Until then, take a pulse on where you are at and ask yourself this same question!

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