Faith and Business: 5 Lessons From Picking Blueberries (Part 2)

As I dredged on, slowly and painstakingly filling my second blueberry bucket, a couple walked by me. Sweat rolled down my face and, with envy in my eyes, I glanced at their containers overflowing with some of the most plump blueberries I have ever seen. They stopped, and noticing my bucket, offered some advice, “The picking is easier further down this row. You will find plenty of them!” 

“Thank you!” I exclaimed, as I simultaneously snatched up my containers to quickly relocate.  And sure enough, several yards down from where I was, I found the motherload of blueberries.

As I plucked the next berry, my thoughts drifted back again towards my faith-based daily planner business. I had recently attended a convention to sell my homeschool planner. I sold a few, received a ton of positive feedback, and made some great connections with other vendors.  Just like the sweet couple had helped point me in the right direction to find blueberries, people at the convention were offering their insight and encouragement, too.

Bite-size truth #4: Networking is important! Be the person willing to reach out and help someone else. 

As I gathered my two buckets overflowing with blueberries, I was determined to help someone else.  Before leaving the picking area, I noticed a woman who could use a little direction and I made sure to tell her where to find better picking! 

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